Monday 8 May 2017

Research paper on network topology

Many of the named alters on these sheets also were members of Framingham Heart Study cohorts. Add your request in the most appropriate place below. Before adding a request please: for existing articles on the same subject. If an article exists, but not at the Our study suggests that obesity may spread in social networks in a quantifiable and discernable pattern that depends on the nature of social ties. Detailed home addresses were also recorded at each time point; we used this information to calculate the geographic distance between people. The social distance between the alter and the ego is represented by degrees of separation (1 denotes one degree of separation from the ego, 2 denotes two degrees of separation from the ego, and so forth). The examination took place at seven time points. Each circle (node) represents one person in the data set. Research paper on network topology Research paper on network security 2013. Then taking different network topology is the applied pdf topology title: Introduction. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) network management model defines five functional areas of network management. For 10% of the egos, an immediate neighbor also participated in the study; more expansive definitions of neighbors yielded similar results. The spread of obesity in social networks appears to be a factor in the obesity epidemic. Figure 3A Figure 3 Effect of Social and Geographic Distance from Obese Alters on the Probability of an Ego's Obesity in the Social Network of the Framingham Heart Study. Obesity in alters might influence obesity in egos by diverse psychosocial means, such as changing the ego's norms about the acceptability of being overweight, more directly influencing the ego's behaviors (e.g, affecting food consumption), or both. Essay writer! Panel A shows the mean effect of an ego's social proximity to an obese alter; this effect is derived by comparing the conditional probability of obesity in the observed network with the probability of obesity in identical networks (with topology preserved) in which the same number of obese persons is randomly distributed. Because friendship identifications are directional, we studied three different kinds of friendships: an ego-perceived friendship, in which an ego identifies an alter as a friend; an alter-perceived friendship, in which an alter identifies an ego as a friend; and a mutual friendship, in which the identification is reciprocal.

However, the type of friendship appeared to be important. We added measures of smoking behavior for the ego and the alter at both the current and previous examinations. Furthermore, dates of birth and death were available from separate Framingham Heart Study files. We hypothesized that a friend's social influence on an ego would be affected by the type of friendship, with the strongest effects occurring in mutual friendships, followed by ego-perceived friendships, followed by alter-perceived friendships. Our vital research program focuses on four critical goals: We develop the means to dominate the global computing and communications network. The closeness of friendship is relevant to the spread of obesity. The tendency of persons to gain weight when they stop smoking is well known,31 and the coincidence of a decrease in smoking and an increase in obesity in the overall population has been noted.32 However, the present study indicates that regardless of whether smoking cessation causes weight gain in individual persons, and regardless of whether smoking-initiation or smoking-cessation behavior itself spreads from person to person,33 any spread in smoking behavior is not a significant factor in the spread of obesity. Network Topology. A network consists of multiple computers connected using some type of interface, each having one or more interface devices such as a Network There is no trend in geographic distance. Moreover, social distance appears to be more important than geographic distance within these networks. The Research Paper Factory. Join; Search; Bus Topology is the simplest of network topologies. In this type of topology, Topology Paper; Network Topology; We considered three explanations for the clustering of obese people. Expert! These results suggest that social distance plays a stronger role than geographic distance in the spread of behaviors or norms associated with obesity. Our findings that the weight gain of immediate neighbors did not affect the chance of weight gain in egos and that geographic distance did not modify the effect for other types of alters (e.g, friends or siblings) helps rule out common exposure to local environmental factors as an explanation for our observations. We also analyzed the role of geographic distance between egos and alters by adding such a variable.

Research paper on network topology

Barry M. Leiner, Vinton G. Cerf, David D. Clark, Robert E. Kahn, Leonard Kleinrock, Daniel C. Lynch, Jon Postel, Larry G. Roberts, Stephen Wolff Obesity in a sibling of the opposite sex did not affect the chance that the other sibling would become obese. Special Article. The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network over 32 Years. Nicholas A. Christakis, M. D, Ph. D, M. P. H, and James H. Fowler, Ph. D. If an ego stated that an alter was his or her friend, the ego's chances of becoming obese appeared to increase by 57% (95% confidence interval [CI], 6 to 123) if the alter became obese. This information was derived from archived, handwritten administrative tracking sheets that had been used since 1971 to identify people close to the study participants to facilitate follow-up. Overall, 12,067 living egos and alters were connected at some point during the study period (1971 to 2003). This phenomenon appeared to be more marked among siblings of the same sex (55%; 95% CI, 26 to 88) than among siblings of the opposite sex (27%; 95% CI, 3 to 54), although the difference was not significant (P=0.16). Research paper on network topology Research paper on network security in cloud computing. Page of points. 4034402 history; research, and network diagramming? The size of each circle is proportional to the person's body-mass index. The sensitivity of the results was assessed with multiple additional analyses (see the Supplementary Appendix). Models that included the geographic distance between the ego and alter corroborated the result shown in Figure 3B: geographic distance did not modify the intensity of the effect of the alter's obesity on the ego. Bibliography. First, egos might choose to associate with like alters (homophily).21,23,24 Second, egos and alters might share attributes or jointly experience unobserved contemporaneous events that cause their weight to vary at the same time (confounding). Network Topology Essays: Over 180,000 Network Topology Essays, Network Topology Term Papers, Network Topology Research Paper, Book Reports. 184 990 ESSAYS, term and Unfortunately, our data do not permit a detailed examination. Contains information on ongoing research projects, academic information, job news, and academic resource links. There were 3604 unique, observed friendships, for an average of 0.7 friendship tie per ego.

a, An ‘allelic effects network' depicting the increasing coordination between allele-specific binding and allele-specific expression as the number of factors Our models account for homophily by including a time-lagged measurement of the alter's obesity. Free network topologies papers, and other components that make up a network. [tags: essays research papers] Strong Essays: Bead Bar Network Topology Among brothers, an ego's chance of becoming obese increased by 44% (95% CI, 6 to 91) if his alter became obese, and among sisters, an ego's chance of becoming obese increased by 67% (95% CI, 27 to 114) if her alter became obese. The use of a time-lagged dependent variable (lagged to the previous examination) eliminated serial correlation in the errors (evaluated with a Lagrange multiplier test28) and also substantially controlled for the ego's genetic endowment and any intrinsic, stable predisposition to obesity. Other mechanisms are also possible. What we call the reach of the clusters is the point, in terms of an alter's degree of separation from any given ego, at which the probability of an alter's obesity is no longer related to whether the ego is obese. Panel B shows the mean effect of an ego's geographic proximity to an obese alter. Since diverse phenomena can spread within social networks,6-10 we conducted a study to determine whether obesity might also spread from person to person, possibly contributing to the epidemic, and if so, how the spread might occur. What are the features of. By the fourth degree of separation, there was no excess relationship between an ego's obesity and the alter's obesity.

The colors of the ties between the nodes indicate the relationship between them: purple denotes a friendship or marital tie and orange denotes a familial tie. Although connected persons might share an exposure to common environmental factors, the experience of simultaneous events, or other common features (e.g, genes) that cause them to gain or lose weight simultaneously, our observations suggest an important role for a process involving the induction and person-to-person spread of obesity. Term paper! Research paper on network topology - choose the service, and our experienced writers will fulfil your task excellently Papers and essays at most attractive If the friends did become obese at the same time, any such exposures should have an equally strong influence regardless of the directionality of friendship.

Research Paper Available online at: This newly computerized database thus identifies the network links among participants at each examination and longitudinally from one examination to the next. Among married couples, when an alter became obese, the spouse was 37% more likely (95% CI, 7 to 73) to become obese. Network Topologies Network topologies are an important part of the network. Without the proper topology, the network may Network Analysis Research Paper International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science -IJRIAS. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science is a monthly, peer results in the current studies of various complex networks, with emphasis on the relationship between the topology and the dynamics of such complex networks. The examinations took place during 3-year periods centered in 1973, 1981, 1985, 1989, 1992, 1997, and 1999. In all of the examinations (from 1971 through 2003), the risk of obesity among alters who were connected to an obese ego (at one degree of separation) was about 45% higher in the observed network than in a random network. To evaluate the possibility that omitted variables or unobserved events might explain the associations, we examined how the type or direction of the social relationship between the ego and the alter affected the association between the ego's obesity and the alter's obesity. Network security research paper-year 2015 ENGINEERING RESEARCH PAPERS
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